Welcome to Coinlocally Partnership API documents.
If you are here, then you have successfully gain access license to work with our Partnership APIs. Congratulations!
The full description of the APIs are in the middle and how to request them is provided in the right part along with the expected result of each one. We have tried to explain as clearly as possible. However, if you encounter problems requesting APIs or the result was not what you expected, you can contact our support.
- 2023-07-30 - Refactor partner APIs and rewrite documents.
- 2022-03-05 - Add version 1.0.0 of API documents.
General Information
API Information
- The base endpoint is:
- All endpoints return either a JSON object or array available in the result key.
- All time and timestamp related fields are in unix timebased (milliseconds).
- Your signed request is only available for 20 secconds. read
Signing Data
section for more information.
curl "{API Endpoint}"
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Coinlocally Partnership APIs uses Key
and Secret
pair to allow partners access to the APIs.
You can manage your credential pairs at API Key Dashboard.
With this approach, critical data is signed with your secret and no one can not manipulate it (Man-in-the-middle attack).
For any request call you must first sign your prepared data with your Secret
. Then, pass your Key
and Signature
to that HTTP request header. Check out following table for correct header names.
HTTP Header Names
Header | Mandatory | Description |
x-key | True | Your credential API Key. |
x-signature | True | The Signature created by your secret. |
Signing Data
As you know already, you must sign your request data. You must sign data based on endpoint's HTTP verb, for GET
endpoints sign request's query
and for POST
sign request's body
Remember to add timestamp
parameter to your body
or query
in milliseconds (based on your endpoint as explained) as well.
Get Partnership Account Information
curl -X GET ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: {
maxSubAccounts: 100,
totalSubAccounts: 54,
isActive: true
Genral information about your partnership account.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/information
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
maxSubAccounts | Number | False | Maximum sub accounts you allowed to create. |
totalSubAccounts | Number | False | Total sub accounts you already created. |
isActive | Boolean | False | Show whether your partnership account is active or not. |
Sub Accounts
Create New Sub Account
curl -X POST ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "email"="[email protected]"
-d "tag=myUserTag"
-d "timestamp=1646411759765"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Sub account created successfully."
result: {
subAccountId: 24,
email: "[email protected]"
tag: "myUserTag",
This request will generate a sub account under your pertnership master account that is also a real Bybit account.
HTTP Request
POST /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
String | True | An email for your sub account. | |
tag | String | True | Tag name for your sub account. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Your new sub account ID. |
String | False | Your new sub account email. | |
tag | String | False | Your new sub account tag name. |
Get Sub Accounts List
curl -X GET ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
subAccountId: 24,
email: "[email protected]"
tag: "staoshi",
createdAt: 1690785274333
}, {
subAccountId: 25,
tag: "sbz",
email: "[email protected]"
createdAt: 1690796316825
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 13
List of sub accounts you created.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Optional sub account ID filter. |
tag | String | False | Optional tag name filter. |
limit | Number | Optional limit for page pagination. | |
page | Number | Optional page number for page pagination. | |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Sub account ID. |
tag | String | False | Sub account tag name. |
String | False | Sub account email address. | |
createdAt | String | False | Sub account create date. |
Sub Account Credentials
Create New Credential
curl -X POST ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "subAccountId=24"
-d "name=satoshikey"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Your personal credential key for requested sub account pair has been created successfully.",
result: {
id: 67,
key: "1qkYEMsPq1Vkos93oCQ10E",
secret: "M1lftKwCsYeSOf5kADC03OavM01NlyesBp50"
This API will generate a new credential (Key
and Secret
) pair for the requested sub account.
You can modify it's permissions later. These credential pairs are the way to communicate with the Bybit and Coinlocally APIs.
HTTP Request
POST /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts/credentials
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | True | Your sub account ID. |
name | String | False | Optional name for sub account credential. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
id | Number | False | Sub account new API credential ID. |
key | String | False | Sub account new API Key. |
secret | String | False | Sub account new API Secret. |
Delete Credential
curl -X DELETE ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "subAccountId=24"
-d "credentialId=67" # Optional
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Your sub account credential(s) key pair has been deleted successfully.",
Delete one or all specific sub account credentials. If credentialId
provided, that specific credential for requested sub account will be deleted, If not, all credentials will be deleted.
HTTP Request
DELETE /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts/credentials
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | True | Your sub account ID. |
credentialId | Number | False | Optional credential ID for deleting that specific credential. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Set Credential Permissions
curl -X PUT ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "subAccountId=24"
-d "name=satoshi" # Optional
-d "spotEnabled=true" # Optional
-d "futuresEnabled=true" # Optional
-d "withdrawEnabled=false" # Optional
-d "ipRestricted=true" # Optional
-d "allowedIpAddresses=," # Optional
-d "timestamp=1646411759765"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Your changes has been applied to your sub account credential key pair successfully.",
Set sub account ceredential new permissions.
HTTP Request
PUT /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts/credentials
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | True | Your sub account ID. |
name | String | False | Credential optional name. |
spotEnabled | Boolean | False | Sub account credential spot trade permission. |
futuresEnabled | Boolean | False | Sub account credential futures trade permission. |
withdrawEnabled | Boolean | False | Sub account credential withdraw permission. |
ipRestrcited | Boolean | False | Sub account IP restrcited permission. |
allowedIpAddresses | String | False | Sub account allowed IP addresses seperated by comma. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Get Credentials List
curl -X GET ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
id: 45,
name: "satoshikey",
key: "1qkYEMsPq1Vkos93oCQ10E",
allowedIpAddresses: null,
spotEnabled: true,
futuresEnabled: true,
withdrawEnabled: false,
ipRestricted: false,
createdAt: 1690785303335,
}, {
id: 48,
name: null,
key: "2sLTwMOsq9wlikIr9C3212",
allowedIpAddresses: ",",
spotEnabled: true,
futuresEnabled: false,
withdrawEnabled: false,
ipRestricted: true,
createdAt: 16907853136435,
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 13
Sub accounts credentials list.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/sub-accounts/credentials
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Optional sub account ID for filter. |
limit | Number | False | Optional limit for page pagination. |
page | Number | False | Optional page number for page pagination. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
id | Number | False | Credential ID. |
name | String | True | Credential name if set. |
key | String | False | Credential API key. |
allowedIpAddresses | String | True | Allowed IP addresses if set seperated by comma. |
spotEnabled | Boolean | False | Shows whether spot trade is available or not. |
futuresEnabled | Boolean | False | Shows whether futures trade is available or not. |
withdrawEnabled | Boolean | False | Shows whether withdraw is available or not. |
ipRestricted | Boolean | False | Shows whether IP restrcited policy is available or not. |
createdAt | Number | False | Credential creation UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
Spot Transfer
curl -X POST ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "fromSubAccountId=24"
-d "toSubAccountId=69"
-d "asset=BTC"
-d "amount=0.085"
-d "timestamp=1646411759765"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Asset transfered to destination successfully.",
result: {
asset: "BTC",
fromSubAccountId: "24",
toSubAccountId: "69",
amount: "0.085",
transferId: "r5ug9dzokze2z9i2",
createdAt: 1644412643938
Transfer asset between spot sub accounts or your partnership master spot account.
HTTP Request
POST /api/v1/partners/transfers/spot
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
fromSubAccountId | Number | False | Source sub account ID. |
toSubAccountId | Number | False | Destination client ID. |
asset | String | False | Asset to transfer. |
amount | Number | False | Amount to transfer. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
asset | String | False | Asset transfered. |
fromSubAccountId | Number | False | Source sub account ID. (on null for master account) |
toSubAccountId | Number | False | Destination client ID. (on null for master account) |
amount | String | False | Amount to transfered. |
transferId | String | False | Internal transfer Tx ID. |
createdAt | String | False | Transfer UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
Spot Transfers History
curl -X GET "×tamp=1646411759765"
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
asset: "BTC",
amount: "0.085",
fromSubAccountId: "24",
toSubAccountId: "69",
transferId: "r5ug9dzokze2z9i2",
createdAt: 1644412643938
}, {
asset: "ETH",
amount: "2.1712",
fromSubAccountId: "24",
toSubAccountId: null,
transferId: "AddI8DoPl912eOhf",
createdAt: 1644412645241,
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 3
History of transfers you made. You may want to use filter options below to get better result from what you are looking for.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/transfers/spot
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
fromSubAccountId | Number | False | Source sub account ID. |
toSubAccountId | Number | False | Destination sub account ID. |
asset | String | False | Asset name. |
transferId | String | False | Transfer ID. |
startDate | Number | False | History start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
endDate | Number | False | History end date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
limit | Number | False | Optional limit for page pagination. |
page | Number | False | Optional page number for page pagination. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
asset | String | False | Asset name. |
amount | String | False | The amount of asset. |
fromSubAccountId | String | False | Sourde sub account ID. |
toSubAccountId | String | False | Destination sub account ID. |
transferId | String | False | Transfer ID. |
createdAt | Number | False | Transfer create date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
Client Deposits History
curl -X GET "×tamp=1646411759765"
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
asset: "BTC";
network: "BTC";
subAccountId: 24;
fromAddress: "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2";
toAddress: "1JvXhnHCi6XqcanvrZJ5s2Qiv4tsmm2UMy";
toMemo: null;
amount: "0.001241";
txId: "79a7345b9323d395c40da54ac4a1fff9329cde8310cbc33987dbde2c96e02f97";
status: "CONFIRMED";
createdAt: 1644412645241;
updatedAt: 1644212925474;
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 1
Get all deposits history of your sub accounts. just like transfers history you can use filter options below as well.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/deposits
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Your client ID. |
asset | String | False | Asset name. |
network | String | False | Network name. |
startDate | Number | False | History start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
endDate | Number | False | History end date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
limit | Number | False | Optional limit for page pagination. |
page | Number | False | Optional page number for page pagination. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
asset | String | True | Asset name. |
network | String | True | Network name. |
subAccountId | Number | True | Your sub account ID. |
fromAddress | String | True | The Address that asset deposits from. |
toAddress | String | True | The Address that asset deposits to. |
toMemo | String | True | The memo (tag) of transaction. |
amount | String | True | The amount of asset that deposits. |
txId | String | True | The Tx ID (transaction ID) on associated network. |
status | String | True | The current status of transaction. |
createdAt | Number | True | Transaction start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
updatedAt | Number | True | Transaction updated status date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
Submit Withdraw Request
curl -X POST ""
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
-d "asset=USDT"
-d "network=TRX"
-d "address=TJanqYoB54BNV5QTh4UshNrCNzrvaBPiK4"
-d "amount=12.76"
-d "timestamp=1646411759765"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
message: "Your withdraw request has been submitted successfully.",
Withdraw request is blocked for your sub account clients, even with their Bybit API Key
and Secret
they can't make a withdraw request call, unless you enable withdrawEnabled
for that. Thus a best practice to accomplish withdraw for your clients is to first transfer their asset to your partnership master account and then submit a new withdraw request.
HTTP Request
POST /api/v1/withdraws
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
asset | String | True | Asset you want to withdraw. |
network | String | True | Network name. |
address | String | True | The destination address. |
memo | String | False | Memo (tag) for this transaction. |
internalFeeAction | String | False | Specifies how the fee for internal withdraw will work. |
amount | String | True | The amount of asset you want to withdraw. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Withdraws History
curl -X GET "×tamp=1646411759765"
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
asset: "BTC",
network: "BTC",
amount: "1.34"
priceInBtc: "1.34",
priceInUsdt: "54334.32",
address: "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2",
memo: null
fee: "0.00023",
txId: "7d49bad64b3efcc956de0ea2d4c7da96e1a633b5f86ee760a09f9e2f633465ab",
binanceId: "4fa33ea8e71b4a4433d507237e5a551b",
internalFeeAction: null,
status: "PENDING",
reason: null
createdAt: 1646411759765,
updatedAt: 1646411767001,
}, {
asset: "USDT",
network: "ETH",
amount: "65.34"
priceInBtc: "8.34",
priceInUsdt: "102334.11",
address: "0x84c57ac9448b9fd931d2b4803716aa4e76c8e82a",
memo: null
fee: "0.00113",
txId: "0x4ccd206a5599cbf933095e40d2a9549ec36537315533928da77b9f830bc761d3",
binanceId: "7213fea8e94b4a5593d507237e5a555b",
status: "CONFIRMED",
reason: null
createdAt: 1646411789765,
updatedAt: 1646411777061,
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 1
List of your withdraw requests history with thier current status, there is also filter options as always for filtering response results.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
asset | String | False | Asset aname. |
network | String | False | Network name. |
startDate | Number | False | History start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
endDate | Number | False | History end date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
limit | Number | False | List items limit count. |
page | String | False | The amount of asswt you want to withdraw. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
asset | String | True | Asset name. |
network | String | True | Network name. |
amount | String | True | The amount of asset that deposits. |
priceInBtc | String | True | Amount estimated BTC value. |
priceInUsdt | String | True | Amount estimated USDT value. |
address | String | True | The destination wallet address. |
memo | String | True | Memo (tag) for this transaction. |
fee | String | True | The fee amount for this transaction. |
txId | String | True | The Tx ID (transaction ID) on associated network. |
binanceId | String | True | Transaction Tx ID on Bybit. |
internalFeeAction | String | True | Specifies how the fee for internal withdraw will work. |
status | String | True | The current status of withdraw. |
reason | String | True | The rejection reason if your withdraw get rejected. |
createdAt | Number | True | Withdraw start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
updatedAt | Number | True | Withdraw updated status date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
Clients Trades History
curl -X GET "×tamp=1646411759765"
-H "x-key: {Your Credential KEY}"
-H "x-signature: { Data SIGNATURE }"
Example Response:
error: false,
code: 0,
result: [{
side: "Buy",
createdAt: 1646411759765,
subAccountId: 24,
type: "SPOT",
pair: "BTCUSDT",
baseQuantity: "23.2398",
quoteQuantity: "39820290.234",
commission: "627.52",
subAccountId: number,
currentPage: 1,
totalPages: 1
Get all trades history of your sub accounts. just like transfers history you can use filter options below as well.
HTTP Request
GET /api/v1/partners/trades
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
subAccountId | Number | False | Your sub account ID. |
symbol | String | False | Symbol name. |
type | String | False | Trade type (SPOT or USDM_FUTURES) |
startDate | Number | False | History start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
endDate | Number | False | History end date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
limit | Number | False | Optional limit for page pagination. |
page | Number | False | Optional page number for page pagination. |
timestamp | Number | True | The timestamp you made request in milliseconds. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
asset | String | True | Asset name. |
network | String | True | Network name. |
subAccountId | Number | True | Your sub account ID. |
fromAddress | String | True | The Address that asset deposits from. |
toAddress | String | True | The Address that asset deposits to. |
toMemo | String | True | The memo (tag) of transaction. |
amount | String | True | The amount of asset that deposits. |
txId | String | True | The Tx ID (transaction ID) on associated network. |
status | String | True | The current status of transaction. |
createdAt | Number | True | Transaction start date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
updatedAt | Number | True | Transaction updated status date in UNIX based timstamp in milliseconds. |
As you already find out, our APIs have a static response structure. when an error occurs the error
parameter is set to true
with an error code defined in code
. you can see error message as well in message
And also here is HTTP status codes with their meanings down below:
HTTP | Meaning |
401 | Unauthorized - You dont have access to the endpoint please use your credentials. |
404 | Not Found - No content, data or repository found for your request. |
409 | Conflict - The request data conflicts with the current state of the server. |
500 | Internal Server Error - An error occurs in our server side application. |